Wanna Search Something Gingery? Go Ahead!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

More gingery pics

1 comment:

  1. ...more great ones, GF11!!! I feel a LITTLE bit better in knowing I have seen a FEW of these, but the bulk are a gain, new to Huey! Many are 'alternate shots' of photo sessions - really great to have multiple pics from some of those... I still wonder if 'whole sets' of photo sessions are out there somewhere...seems like they would be - it would be great to find a 'set'.
    Well, I am getting hopped up for Independence...leaving basically this time next week - will hopefully be at least near Mississippi by now... the big 'issue' we have is how my little son will do...he fared pretty well a few weeks ago when we went to Gatlinburg - Smoky Mountains in Tennessee... but that trip is about 4-5 hours...THIS one is at least 10 hours...so, we shall see. As long as we have enough Spongebob DVDs (he is fanatical about 'Bob-Bob'), we should be OK.
    Thanks again for all the great pics, Arianna - and hope you are having a VERY Gingery summer vacation!!! :-)

